⚠️ Filehorst is going offline.

Unfortunately, we have sad news to announce:
Filehorst.de and all uploaded files and links will go offline at the end of 30th June 2024.
Further information can be found on the homepage of filehorst.de if needed.

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Dear user/visitor,

Please make sure to consider the following three notes before contacting us:

1. Please only write to us in important cases. In our current situation, you would be doing us a big favor.
2. You have questions about the shutdown of Filehorst? Find all info here: homepage, FAQ and blog.
3. You want to report a technical issue? Then please check here first to see if we are already aware of it.

"Digital Services Act" information: The central contact points for the authorities of the Member States, the Commission, and the Board, as well as contact points for users of our service, can be found in the Imprint.

Name *
Email address *
Type of inquiry *
Information Guidelines for reporting infringements
Measure for avoiding infringements
Reporting and remedy procedure regarding the presence of individual information for individuals and institutions.

If you want to report content involving sexual abuse and remain anonymous, use 'anonymous' as the name and 'anonymous@filehorst.de' as the email address. In all other cases, your accurate contact information is required.
Subject *
Your message *
Why do the reported files pose a problem? *
Optional: Where did you find the files?
  • I declare that I am in good faith and believe that the information and statements in the report are accurate and complete. I agree that they and my personal data (including IP address) will be stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Yes, I confirm that.
Captcha * For safety reasons, please confirm that you are not a robot. You can also contact us at mail@filehorst.de.

*) required field